> 旅游指南> 住宿

Hotel Unique by Foret

192, Imun-ro, Dongdaemun-gu, 首尔 韩国

See map

路线 详细信息
버스도착정보 안내
버스 번호 도착 정보
192, Imun-ro, Dongdaemun-gu, 首尔 韩国


游客排名等级:3.5 (根据游客12篇攻略)

共 Hotel Unique by Foret篇攻略中,最新攻略5篇

  • 还可以
    트립어드바이저 等级:3
    Alex S 2019-05-05
  • 地点容易找之前爬文说很难但作为路痴的我也不用问人;其实一出地铁一直行到尾转弯就是 附近很多小店方便吃早餐;也有超市 房间虽小但五脏俱全 干净企理设计也很好 最重要价钱合理
    트립어드바이저 等级:4
    Conybb 2018-01-16
  • 酒店略小,设施齐全
    饮水机在6楼,转换插头不是很多,最好自带。 房间内很多是大小床,很讨巧,电梯能载的人不多,而且只有一个,出行要提前出门
    트립어드바이저 等级:4
    Tripadvisor 中国会员 2015-05-22
  • Just okay, away from the maddening crowd.
    The hotel is okay, nothing special. The rooms are decent. There is breakfast but you will have to let them know in advance as they need to have a minimum of ten people. The shower area is tiny and so ...
    트립어드바이저 等级:3
    ayeshasitara 2017-07-15
  • Charming hotel
    I stayed at this hotel for two weeks during my first visit to Korea, and while I enjoyed my stay, I can say that this hotel probably isn't for everyone. The hotel is located in a neighborhood that is ...
    트립어드바이저 等级:3
    lepaulew 2016-06-06