> 旅游指南> 住宿

Genie's second floor, three room house(吉妮的2楼3房住宅)

发布日期 : 2023.04.20 / 更新日期 : 2024.04.12
Genie's second floor, three room house(吉妮的2楼3房住宅)
入住 : 4 / 退房 : 12
  • 洒满阳光的2层住宅,拥有3个房间、1个客厅兼厨房,实际面积20坪,请在这里与家人朋友们一起度过幸福的时光吧。^^ # 位置 位于1号线九老站(15分钟)和加山数码园区站(10分钟)之间,在7号线南九老站(10分钟)、2号线大林站(25分钟)乘坐10、11路(6站)社区巴士后下车,步行1分钟即可抵达的商业街住宅2楼。非地铁站周边地区。😭 #可使用Chromecast并收看YouTube、Netflix!# 提供KTV麦克风、桌游!# 像独栋别墅一样安静,请与家人和朋友们一起舒适地休息吧!# 主卧 - 65英寸电视机、壁挂式空调、3~4人用沙发、大床、化妆台、升降台# 客卧 - 超大单人床、化妆台、窗式空调、可增加床上用品# 衣帽间 - 可增加床上用品 # 客厅 - 6人用餐桌# 阳台 - 配备洗衣机、烘干机、自动晾衣架、洗衣篮# 卧室兼客厅1、客卧1、衣帽间1、浴室1、厨房1、阳台1 - 配备微波炉、冰箱、除湿机、空气净化器、空气炸锅、电烤箱、烤面包机#Location It is located between Guro Station on Line 1 (15 minutes) and Gasan Station (10 minutes), and walk from Namguro Station on Line 7 (10 minutes) and Daerim Station on Line 2 (25 minutes) and get off by town bus 10 or 11 (6 stops).The house is on the second floor.#Chromecast, YouTube, Netflix available!# Stay comfortably with your family or friends like a sweet home!# 3 rooms 2 beds, 1 living room and 1 veranda # Main room - 65-inch TV, wall-mounted air conditioner, sofa for 3–4 people, queen sized bed, dressing table, lift table # Guest room - Super single sized bed, dressing table, window-type air conditioner, additional bedding installation OK # Dress room- Additional bedding installation OK # A dining table for six in the living room #On weekends, 1 car can be parked on the street.Please inquire before making a reservation.
  • #Location It is located between Guro Station on Line 1 (15 minutes) and Gasan Station (10 minutes), and walk from Namguro Station on Line 7 (10 minutes) and Daerim Station on Line 2 (25 minutes) and get off by town bus 10 or 11 (6 stops).The house is on the second floor.#Chromecast, YouTube, Netflix available!# Stay comfortably with your family or friends like a sweet home!# 3 rooms 2 beds, 1 living room and 1 veranda # Main room - 65-inch TV, wall-mounted air conditioner, sofa for 3–4 people, queen sized bed, dressing table, lift table # Guest room - Super single sized bed, dressing table, window-type air conditioner, additional bedding installation OK # Dress room- Additional bedding installation OK # A dining table for six in the living room #On weekends, 1 car can be parked on the street.Please inquire before making a reservation.
客房类型, 客房数量, 接待人数
客房类型 客房数量 接待人数
三人房 3 6
  • 洗衣机
  • 公共洗手间
  • 浴室用品
  • WIFI/互联网
  • 电视
  • 空调和地暖
  • 厨房(厨具)
[仁川国际机场] - 机场地铁 - 2号线弘益大学站 - 2号线大林站 - 乘坐11路社区巴士10分钟[仁川国际机场] - 6017路机场巴士 - 7号线波拉美站 - 7号线南九老站下车 - 步行15分钟

See map

路线 详细信息
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