店名听上去硬气,不过这其实是一间可爱温馨、萌动着少女心气氛的小酒吧。酒吧规模甚小,只有简单的吧台与三张桌子。不过投放在墙壁上的图案,配上霓虹灯和花草装饰,让整间店显得温馨典雅。这家店铺原本取名叫作“铁人28号”,专卖铁板料理和洋酒。后来在店长金秀贤(Kim Soo Hyun,音译)的构思下,摇身一变,成了完全另一种空间。店里的招牌菜艾登奶酪五花肉配上一杯洋酒,是绝对值得一尝的美味搭配。另外,只要餐费达到50万韩币,就能免费使用场地5小时,因此这里也变成了大家策划派对的首选场所。
豆花堂坐落于上个世纪20年代兴修的敌产家屋,电影《密情》和《大叔》中呈现的开化时期风格的装修,是这里的一大亮点。瑞士留学归来的社长金宋一(Kim Song Yi ,音译)曾在英国、澳洲、加拿大、新加坡、中国、日本等十几个国家游历生活。回到韩国后,金社长发现韩国的豆类料理仍旧局限于豆面、豆饭、豆酱等种类,因此别出心裁,开张了韩国第一家寓意[豆之花]的豆奶甜点沙龙。店长每天亲自熬煮豆浆,用新鲜的豆浆制作冰激凌与布丁,不仅味道香浓,有乳糖不耐受症的顾客也能轻松享用。韩式豆浆遇上西洋甜点,再配上欧洲古典风格的装修,完美呈现了韩国开化时期的主题风格。店内的螺钿柜、小桌子等复古风物件,都是店主从路边捡回来的“破烂儿”,稍作搭理竟也成了应景的装饰。
顺着木招牌走下楼梯,穿过画廊,打开后门就会发现一张重达300公斤的实木吧台,这里是一间威士忌酒吧。酒吧老板金基正(Kim Ki Jeong,音译)曾是个只领交通费的专职摄影师,为了维持生计,白天摄影,晚上做酒吧调酒师,一干就是七年。这段经历也让他对酒产生了无限的热爱,因着这份热爱,他开了这间酒吧。此后,他陆续开起了咖啡厅、企划公司、民宿等店铺,虽然收入也不过只相当于上班族,但是他很陶醉于做自己喜欢的事情。将酒吧与画廊的隔段移开后,整个空间瞬间变成了小剧场。硬碟电影节、生鱼片与威士忌派对、国乐表演等有意思的活动接二连三的在这里上演。
본 코스는 보행약자(거동이 불편한 고령자, 장애인, 유모차 이용자 등)를 위한 코스입니다.
보호자를 동반하지 않을 시 이용이 불가능 합니다.※ 보행약자 1명당 보호자 최소 1인 이상 동반 ※ 전동보장구(전동휠체어, 전동스쿠터 등) 사용자의 경우 보호자 1인당 보행약자 최대 4인까지 동반 가능
희망하시는 날짜 및 코스에 활동가능한 해설사가 없는 경우 예약은 취소될 수 있습니다.
예약확인을 위해 도보관광 사무국(02-6925-0777)에서 확인 연락이 진행됩니다.(최소 5일~한달 전)3회 이상 전화통화가 이뤄지지 않을 시 예약이 취소될 수 있습니다.
해설 진행 시 발생하는 안전사고에 대해서 도보관광 사무국과 서울문화관광해설사는 책임을 지지 않습니다.
미세먼지 비상저감조치 발령 및 기타 기상악화(폭염, 태풍, 폭우 등)로 인해 도보관광 운영이 어려운 경우 모든 예약은 일괄 취소됩니다. (관광일 전날 기준)
Reservations must be made at least three days prior to the tour date.
Additional reservations, one or two days before the tour starts, are only allowed for the tour that is already fixed.
In the case of group tour, more than 10people, please contact us by e-mail.
Reservations for the following month are available from the 15th of the current month.
Please refrain from participating in any tour programs should you be experiencing any symptoms, including fever, coughing, congestion, muscle pain, stuffy nose, and/or sore throat.
Reservations for tourists 14 years & under without an accompanying adult or guardian shall be canceled on site.
All reservations will be canceled in the event of a weather warning being issued. (e.g. heatwave, typhoon, heavy rain, fine dust, etc.) (Cancellation will be processed immediately upon implementation)
※ Please always check the weather warning on the day of the reservation on the site below.
The Seoul Guided Walking Tour administration office and tour guide affiliates are not responsible for any accidents that happen to occur during the tour program.
Reservation shall be made at least 1 week before the tour day.
The course is for tourists with mobility problems (Senior, people with disability, stroller user).
You may not use the course without an assistant (or companion) ※ At least one assistant shall accompany a tourist with mobility problem ※ In case of electric assisting device users (electric wheelchair, electric scooter users), one assistant may accompany up to 4 tourists with mobility problem
Reservation may be canceled when a guide is unavailable on the desired date and course.
Seoul Guided Walking Tour Office (02-6925-0777) will contact you to confirm reservation. (At least 5 days~1 month before tour day) Reservation may be canceled when Seoul Guided Walking Tour Office cannot reach you for more than 3 times.
Seoul Guided Walking Tour Office and Seoul culture and tourism guide are not liable for the safety accidents during the Seoul Guided Walking Tour.
All reservations will be canceled in the event of a weather warning being issued. (e.g. heatwave, typhoon, heavy rain, fine dust, etc.) (Cancellation will be processed immediately upon implementation)
※ Please always check the weather warning on the day of the reservation on the site below.